Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

April Fools!

Ahahaha. So although it was still technically March, spring had definitely not sprung here in Pennsylvania. We had a freak snow storm yesterday morning! 

Let me tell you, I am so over winter.

I have always suffered from seasonal depression or whatever it is called now. Which means I am completely not myself between when the clocks fall behind and spring forward. It didn’t help that this year I had my first baby at the end of November. So not only do I already not feel like myself, I can’t even get out of the house much because I have an infant. We got out when we could but that was few and far between.

And then it started warming up! Yay! Pack away the heavy coats and break out the flats. March is supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb. And it looked like that’s what it was going to do!

And then comes the morning of March 31st. HUGE snowflakes are falling and falling and falling. They were more like snow chunks than snowflakes. So what do we do when it’s supposed to be nice and instead is snowing?

We take baby L outside for his first time playing in the snow!

I don’t own actual snowsuits since you aren’t supposed to wear them in a car seat. But I do have this fleece looking one that has a cover with a car seat buckle hole. My mom got it for me and she loves it. I call it L’s clown suit.

Evey loves the snow and running around our backyard is one of her favorite activities. So we dressed the baby up and with the dog in tow we set outside.

Baby L was not impressed.

But then he can’t sit up by himself yet so on his belly he went.

Mommy’s not impressed with the white stuff either, baby.

How was everyone else’s first day of April? (Or last day of March, in my case)

Go check out my Spring Has Sprung Pinterest board! It’ll get you in the mood for nicer weather!

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