Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An Emotional Plea to Humankind

So I am one of those people that likes to keep her opinions to herself for the simple fact that I don't like to upset people or be upset. (Unless it's you Alex, then its game on 😃) But I have to get this out. Even if few people read it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fall Wardrobe Capsule

It's the first day of school! Not that this affects me personally but the new school year always excites me. I absolutely adored school and back to  school means PUMPKIN SPICE. Yes I'm one of them. But it also means fall, leaves, cooler weather, and that fall smell. Living in Pennsylvania means we're lucky enough to get all four seasons. And fall is my favorite. Jeans with t-shirts or shorts with long sleeves or hoodies. So excited! And a special shout out to all you mamas getting your kids to school today!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome Back (Again and Again and Again)

Hello Everyone!

So I am giving myself the award for #1 Blogger with Hiatuses. Because you know, this might be my like fourth welcome back post in two years. But then, welcome to my life. It gets crazy and other things become top priority, Maybe we should call this post a recap? About everything that's happened in the last five months. And let me tell you, it's A LOT!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Top 7 Favorite Blogs

Life, let me tell you, can be incredibly hectic in an instant. We are losing our s*** managing. But between teething, doctor's appointments, illness, and life in general, I haven't been able to post anything. So I'm hopefully back until the next issue.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Top 9 Free Printables

The Broncos won! Not that I was actually cheering for anyone. My Steelers didn't make it so I had to pick someone. And Peyton Manning has the best commercials.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Goals to Accomplish

My word for this year is determination. Well I'm going to add a word to it. Ambition. I think they go well together since you need both to accomplish much of anything. I have a ton of goals, I always have. Some are long term, like ultimately teaching at an university, and some are short term. But with long term or short term goals you need the ambition to start them and the determination to finish them. So I wanted to let all my readers in on some of my current goals.

Monday, February 1, 2016

10 Ways to Organize Your Life

Happy February, everyone! It's 52 degrees here in Northwestern Pennsylvania and sickness has hit my house. Well me at least. Luke and Tim are completely fine but I'm sick as a dog. Rest you say? Ha not with my little minion running around. So I'm attempting to stick to my resolution and blog as much as possible. And so far I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 Busy Toddler Activities

It's Wednesday! Half way to the weekend. Although I stay home, weekends are when Tim takes over morning duties and I get to sleep in! So I look forward to the weekend just like you working moms.

Monday, January 25, 2016

My Crazy Fun Life and That Bzz Thing

Happy Monday, everyone! Well the end of Monday I guess. When I wrote this up it was much earlier in the day. Can you guess how it's going so far?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Foodie Friday: Honey Sriracha Chicken and Veggie Quinoa Bowl

Who loves food?!

Me, me, me! (raising hand emoticon) I am self-described foodie. I will try anything at least once and most of the time I like whatever it is i tried. Now my family on the other hand is a little bit more reserved. Tim for instance will try  most things but there are some things he refuses to even touch. Escargot for instance, I love those buttery snails but Tm doesn't even want them in the house. And Luke is like most 1 year olds. And hey chicken nuggets, I'll eat those covered in ranch. Meanwhile the dinner I slaved over ends up in the dog's mouth. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Penguins Doing Yoga?! Nope, Yoga Lists

Happy Hump Day!

Honestly, I hate that phrase. It just seems gaudy to me. But I have a crazy busy week so for this week, happy hump day is okay with me. I scheduled myself for something everyday this week without even realizing it. Not that I mind, I enjoy helping others. Especially since one of those things include watching my bestfriend's little boy. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

(Non) Sleepy Toddlers and Maybe a Give-away!

Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep

Before I had a baby, I would never have imagined how busy a one year old is. Or how stubborn they can be when they don't want to do something. Like naps. Naps are the bane of my existence. I hate them and if Little L didn't get so cranky when he doesn't take one, I wouldn't make him.

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year, New You!

Welcome back, everyone!

Well it's a new year. Which means new you, right? Anyone sick of that saying yet? Well I'm not sick of it! I think it's a good motivator for people that want to change something. 

People like me!