Life, let me tell you, can be incredibly hectic in an instant. We are losing our s*** managing. But between teething, doctor's appointments, illness, and life in general, I haven't been able to post anything. So I'm hopefully back until the next issue.
It's March! Can you believe it?! And up here in NWPA we have sunshine! I know we have a few more weeks until it's officially spring but it sure feels like it's coming!. We haven't had the worst winter. Only a few snow storms when we usually have them all winter long. But when you have an outside addict, nice weather can't come soon enough.
For today's post, I'm going to keep it easy. I'm going to tell you my top 7 favorite blogs to follow/read.
Sarah's Top 7 Favorite Blogs
1. Naptime Chai- Lisa is thrilling to read. I started following her when her blog was still titled Two Martinis. I found Lisa while I was pregnant with Luke on Pinterest and fell in love with her pregnancy updates. Her little girl is just a little older than Luke. She writes about her daily life as a mom, wife, and what it's like having a toddler and being pregnant. Probably by favorite blog!
2. What's Up Moms- This is my second favorite blog or more vlog. If you are a mom or are pregnant, you probably already know about these ladies. If you don't, then get ready to have your mind blown. These moms post all kinds up video updates but my favorite by far are their parody songs. Take a look:
3. The Milk Meg- Meg is an Australian mom, blogger, author, and IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant). I follow her Facebook posts more than anything, but her blog posts are just as amazing. She posts support on breastfeeding and against sleep training and how babies and toddlers nursing all the time is perfectly normal. If you're a nursing mom looking for some support that you aren't the only one with a 1 year old that won't get off the boob, I highly recommend looking her up.
4. Spit Up Is The New Black- This is another mommy blog about this mom's life with her children. I resonate with her in the fact that she tries to keep her old self along with the change of becoming a mom. She also does a lot of reviews and giveaways.
5. The Leaky B@@b- This is another breastfeeding support blog but she is hilarious. With titles like "When your kids are a$$holes" and cartoons on nursing gymnastics, it's hard not to laugh. And if you have a nursing toddler that thinks he can do downward dog while still sucking, this is the blog for you.
6. Muddy Boots and Diamonds- This is also a mommy blog but not a breastfeeding oriented one. This mama blogs about her two children (one being a rainbow baby) and her PPD and PPA. Although I have not lost a child, I have/am suffering from PPA. Her story is worth reading, especially if you can relate to her at all.
7. Jayne Becca Yoga- Jayne is an amazing yogi. Unfortunately her classes are held over in England so us American women can't attend :( BUT she posts yoga videos on her blog! By yoga goal is to be able to do the poses she does with ease. She also posts recipes for healthy yumminess.
I would love to add some more awesomeness to my Bloglovin' feed so if you have some favorites, comment them! Also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Bloglovin'!
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